





天堂慈母般神聖女神的祝福和愛的能量潮水般湧向你、擁抱你。我們,娜達女士,聖母瑪利亞觀音正把我們的能量和意識融合起來,使我們成為一種合一的能量來傳導信息給你。由於我們相同的意圖,當我們在這一刻與你臨在,我們融合的能量振動擁有了更強的能量和愛的力量。我們一直專注於通過我們能量的彼此連接來加強女神之光 ,我們的將意識傳送給你,我們可以讓你的女神之光的振動增強。

Divine Goddess blessings and love flow inabundance to embrace you in the heavenly motherly energies. We, LadyNada, Mother Maryand Lady Quan Yin are uniting our energy andconsciousness so that we may speak to you as one directly to the oneness energywithin your being. Due to our identical intentions and the merging of ourenergy vibration our energy holds greater power and loving strength as we connectwith your being at this moment. We are always focusing upon empowering the Goddess light; by connecting our energies with each other and projectingour consciousness to you we can empower your Goddess vibration and light.



Please take a deep breath in with the focus ofconnecting with our energies, as you exhale let the Goddess vibration of yourbeing rise and expand from your being. To recognise the Goddess vibration andits wonderful consciousness within your being only needs to consist of a simpleintention.



The Goddess vibration is building on the Earthwith immense power, not only do we see the Goddess vibration emerge from many,but we can realise that the magnification of December 2012 will truly allow theGoddess strength and purity to arise as an equal energy of the Creatorrecognised by all. We, Lady Nada, Mother Mary and Lady Quan Yin come forward toyou today to remind you of your Goddess self and to assist you in realisingthat the ascension process you and the Earth are achieving at this time, isthe raising of the Goddess to equal strength to any other aspect of the Creator. An awakening of the Goddess vibration is occurringat this very moment in ascension as all focus upon their meditations andspiritual qualities. As the Goddess arises so, this will support an explosionof love on the Earth as if love is showing over and from all. The Goddessvibration acts as a foundation at this time for the awakening and manifestationof the vibration and era of love.



Please take a moment to honour and give thanksto the Goddess vibration for facilitating the greater awakening and realisationof love within all. Inhale once more accepting the Goddess vibration aroundyou, as you exhale let the Goddess vibration emerge and expand from within yourbeing. Notice how a river of love small or large follows your focused intentionupon radiating and expanding your Goddess vibration.



Theriver of love that we speak about flowing after you exhale with the focus upon expansionof your Goddess self is often neglected and missed as many revert their focusback to the breath inhaled once more, but the same can occur when connectingwith any aspect or vibration of the Creator.As you become more expansive in your energies and your breath with eachconnection you make love awakens within you.TheGoddess vibration is extremely essential to add to the vibration that is beingcreated on the Earth and within all being to facilitate the ascension process. Withthe greater focus upon the river of love that flows if only for a secondbetween your exhaled and inhaled breath you can assist in supporting theflowing river of the Goddess vibration of the Creator.



At this moment with the focus upon the Goddessvibration rising there is a need to realise that the Goddess vibration canarise within each of you equally whether you are in a male or female physicalbody. This isn』t a movement of empowering souls in female physicalbodies but a movement of empowering all with the Goddess vibration. Please take a deep breath in, acknowledging thisawareness of equality deep within your being, as you exhale know that greaterknowledge and understanding will flow from you.



We have united our consciousness as onetogether today to speak with you about your emotional, mental and spiritualbodies. At this time on the Earth there is a great volume of light anchoringinto the Earth and your being, as well as emerging from the Earth and yourbeing that instigates shifts of energy. This can mean that your emotional,mental and spiritual bodies can become unbalanced with each other. Theimbalance usually rectifies its self with time but toremain focused and in harmony as numerous and simultaneous shifts occur thereis a need to be able to rectify any imbalancethat may occur in the emotional, mental and spiritual body.



Your spiritual body is currently being floodedwith light vibrations; the energy of your spiritual body is activating,bringing forth vibrations to be overcome and encourages a greater sense ofunity. The immense light that your spiritual body in your auricfield is collecting and awakening will naturally affect your other energeticbodies including your physical body. This can result in strain,tension and stress in your energy bodies especially your mental and emotionalbodies but predominantly the spiritual body is thrusting highervibrations of light into the mental body that is causing some shifts andalterations, at times you may feel as if you need to be peaceful as the lightsoothes and stills your mind. On other occasions you may find memories that youthought you had dealt with coming to the surface, this could be for their finalrelease. Some may find that their mind is being submerged in wisdom or maybecome forgetful; this is all due to the radiance of the spiritual body.



With greater and quicker vibrations of lightalmost like a waterfall flooding into the mental body, this can be carried intothe emotional body. Many people may find that their emotions are heightened,maybe they can weep with ease or find knots of old energy emerging, this is alldue to the greater anchoring of light into the spiritual body. You mayunderstand that this is a normal journey of light flowing into the spiritualbody, through the mental and emotional body into manifestation or the physicalworld. You would be correct in your understanding, butthe intensity of light is so great at this time that large shifts are occurringquickly which leaves little time for recovery and rebalancing of the energy.



We feel that if you focus upon bringing balanceto your spiritual, mental and emotional bodies then your entire being willunite with greater strength and harmony would be experienced throughout eachnew shift and energy awakening. We suggest to you that you call upon ourenergies, Lady Nada,Mother Mary and Lady Quan Yin to be of assistance, we also wish to say that you can achievethe same balancing for the Earth and Mother Earth when it feels appropriate.




I call upon the energy of the Creator withvibrations most appropriate for me now to flow as a pillar of light over andthrough my entire being. I breathe in the essence of the Creator awakening thedivine essence of the Creator within my being. As I exhale, I expand thepresence of the Creator within me, allowing the river of love to flow also as Ipause my breathing for a moment of focus.



I call upon the energy, vibration and light ofLady Nada to surround and flow into my spiritual body to ensure andcreate complete harmony and balance within my spiritual body. I now imagine andknow that my spiritual body in my auric field is completely balanced. I nowbreathe into my spiritual body to experience the balanced created by my beingand Lady Nada. (Take time) Thank you.



I call upon the energy, vibration and light ofLady Quan Yin to surround and flow into my mental body to ensure and createcomplete harmony and balance within my mental body. I now imagine and know thatmy mental body in my auric field is completely balanced. I now breathe into mymental body to experience the balanced created by my being and Lady Quan Yin.(Take time) Thank you.



I call upon the energy, vibration and light of Mother Mary to surround and flow into my emotional body to ensure andcreate complete harmony and balance within my emotional body. I now imagine andknow that my emotional body in my auric field is completely balanced. I nowbreathe into my emotional body to experience the balanced created by my beingand Mother Mary. (Take time) Thank you.









We hope thatyou will find this practice beneficial in remaining balanced as your ascensionevolves,

LadyNada, Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary


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